48 HOURS NOTICE IS REQUIRED to cancel or move an existing appointment.
If your appointment is not cancelled or rescheduled 48 hours prior to said appointment for ANY reason, the deposit is automatically processed and cannot be refunded for any reason.
We are closed Sundays & Mondays, therefore if you have a Tuesday appointment scheduled, you must e-mail us, direct message on Instagram @SalonGCollingswood , or call the salon and leave a voicemail.
All emails, messages, and voicemails are timestamped so we can make the necessary arrangements to either send the deposit back to you if you are cancelling the appointment, or put it towards a new rescheduled appointment. The sooner we are informed, the better we can accommodate.
The deposit price is based off the length of service & can be up to 1/2 the total cost of the appointment.
If you no show an appointment during this time you must pay for your next desired appointment in full to secure a new appointment.
Some stylists may not accept future appointments after a no showed appointment. If this is the case for you, another stylist may accommodate you!
Thank You